Thank you all for accompanying
DELCO on this journey!
Those memories will live on forever with us.


“Thank you to the investors, partners and suppliers who helped DELCO in becoming what it is today.”

Our journey of the past 15 years has not been easy, and indeed, there were many times when I wanted to give up. But fortunately, I have met many partners and clients who understôd and shared the values ​​that our DELCO is pursuing. We really appreciate the opportunity to cooperate with partners like you and always do our best to deserve that trust.

Today, when standing on this stage, I can be proud of one thing. That is we have accomplished everything that we had promised the investors and partners. It is not my own effort but the effort of the entire DELCO team. I would like to express my profound gratitude to the investors, partners and all DELCO members who together created the DELCO brand of today!